GRE Quantitative Comparison Strategy: Manipulate the Quantities
There’s no doubt that GRE quantitative comparison questions present a unique way of thinking about math. For most students, they’ve never had to answer questions like this before. As such, QC’s can take some getting used to — and indeed, it’s easy to make careless errors or overlook common traps the test makers like to […]
5 Habits that will Result in Success on the GRE
The current state of our lives are in large part a reflection of our daily habits, whether good or bad. Good habits produce favorable results; bad habits lead to undesirable outcomes. So too with your preparation for the GRE. When it comes to studying for the GRE, how are your habits? Do you even have […]
Get your MBA and Graduate Admissions questions answered! {Free Webinar}
Okay, so you’ve got this whole GRE thing under control (not surprising since you’re taking the best online GRE prep course in the industry!). But what about the rest of your application? As you know, business and graduate school admissions offices take a holistic approach when evaluating your application. In addition to looking at your […]
Four Facts About the GRE General Test
ETS, the company that administers the GRE General Test, recently put out a 3-page report titled “Four Facts About the GRE General Test” that explores how the exam serves as a predictor of graduate school success and why it should be part of a holistic admissions process for schools. Specifically, the report looks at: how […]
Upcoming Speed Reading Workshops – Save $50
I’m excited to announce that we’ve worked out an exclusive partnership with Bara Sapir, founder of City Test Prep and creator of the MindFlow Speed Reading Seminars, to offer a $50 discount on any one of her upcoming clinics! The next two 4.5-hour intensive workshops are: Sunday, February 10, 2019 Sunday, March 3, 2019 The […]
How to Read Faster without Sacrificing Comprehension {Free Webinar}
Would you agree that if you could increase your reading speed, it would help you immensely on the GRE? Of course it would. Reading faster will help you on reading comprehension questions, obviously. It will also help you with your overall time management. Timing issues are one of the top concerns my students have when […]
Sequence Basics (and a hard GRE OG question explained)
I assign most of the problems in The Official Guide to the GRE, 3rd ed. as homework for my comprehensive online GRE prep courses. While the book does provide answer explanations for many of them, they aren’t always clear and often take a more traditional mathematical approach than what is necessary (they don’t employ the […]
GRE Validity Study for Law School Performance
In “Law School and the GRE: Trend or Fad?” I noted the increasing number of U.S. law schools that are now accepting the GRE in addition to the long-standing LSAT for admissions. One of the requirements set forth by the American Bar Association for schools to be able to do so, however, is that they […]
Grit: The Underappreciated Key to Success on the GRE
I believe the most important factor in determining your success on the GRE is one very few people think about: the amount of grit you apply to the preparation process. Of course, raw intellectual horse power (perhaps as estimated by IQ score), previous academic coursework, and implementation of a GRE study plan are critical to […]
Law School and the GRE: Trend or Fad?
You’ve no doubt heard that, starting a couple years ago when the University of Arizona Law School decided to thumb its nose at the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) and became the first to accept the GRE in lieu of the LSAT, more and more law schools are hopping on board the growing trend of […]